Knee pain is one of the most common unpleasant sensations that every person has experienced at least once. The progression of diseases, as a result of which pain may appear, is due to the fact that the human knee consists of many structures, and every day they are all subject to colossal loads. The damage can affect one of the ligaments or tendons, or specific sacs that fill with fluid, as well as cartilage. This symptom can be a signal of diseases not only related to the knee, but also general diseases of the body or systems.
It is also necessary to distinguish with what movements the pain occurs, for example, pain in the knee when flexing is inherent in people who lead an active lifestyle and often speaks of a violation of the structure of the joints and bones. Such spasms appear mainly in the later stages of the course of the disease, when it is impossible to do without treatment with the help of surgical intervention. Knees often ache and creak when squatting, this may indicate that cartilage tissue is being erased (mainly observed in athletes due to constant running). Pain inside arises due to various pathologies of the joint or the occurrence of neoplasms. The appearance of pain after childbirth is due to the fact that during pregnancy the female body has undergone many changes, which could lead to the development of some diseases.
It is important to determine why pain in the knee joint is expressed, because some diseases can be cured only with the help of operable intervention, and for some it will be enough to use traditional medicine.
As mentioned above, there are many reasons why the knees hurt and they are not always directly related to injuries, diseases and bruises of the knee joint. The first group of factors are disorders that directly affect the knee joint, including:
- gonarthrosis is a disease that most commonly affects people over the age of forty. The condition usually affects both knees. The main symptom is pain and crunching when stretching and squatting. The spasms are sharp and acute. The degree of intensity decreases when lying down;
- getting blood into the joint cavity;
- damage to the meniscus can occur at any age, regardless of gender. Often only one knee is affected. This ailment is characterized by the manifestation of a strong crunch and pain in the knee when bending or after running. In addition, a person loses the ability to move, because he experiences unbearable pain at the slightest movement of the leg;
- arthritis - the ailment develops very quickly, the inflammatory process spreads to the knee joints of both legs. It is best to start treatment as soon as possible because the disease has spread to other joints;
- violation of the integrity of the ligaments due to rupture, most often the internal ligament is susceptible to this, much less often it occurs on the side. In this case there is swelling and limitation of motor functions;
- various inflammations of the tendons - the appearance of which is due to many reasons, for example, infectious diseases or the influence of bacteria, trauma or bruises, drug allergies or abnormalities in the structure of the body. In such ailments, pain in the knee is expressed from the inside;
- patella displacement or dislocation - occurs very rarely and mainly in children or athletes, after intense exertion or running;
- inflammatory process in the joint bag. In case of premature treatment, complications may arise, which will have to be eliminated only with the help of medical intervention;
- pathological processes in the synovial membrane covering the joint;
- the occurrence of a cyst inside the knee joint leads to pain below the knee in the back;
- destruction of the integrity of the adipose tissue covering the joint. Externally, this manifests itself in the form of swelling of the injured knee;
- osteoarthritis, in which the cartilage tissue becomes thinner;
- various infectious diseases, the course of which can lead to arthritis. Knee pain is expressed when walking, as well as after squats;
- bone tuberculosis;
- spinal pathologies cause the feeling that the knee hurts when walking;
- metabolic disorders or salt deposition in the knee often lead to pain in the knees when squatting.

The second group of reasons consists of other influences from which pain in the knee joint appears:
- excessively high body weight;
- external injuries or bruises of the knee joint;
- working conditions due to which a person is forced to stand for several hours in a row;
- intense physical activity - that is why this ailment is most often observed in professional athletes, for example, after running;
- incorrect posture during work;
- wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.
There are several reasons why a woman's knees hurt during pregnancy:
- an increase in body weight (in some cases up to twenty kilograms);
- lack of calcium and other minerals in the body;
- production of a specific hormone that softens ligament tissue.
After childbirth, all unpleasant sensations should go away on their own, but if this does not happen, you should consult a doctor, as this may serve as a sign of the above diseases. After giving birth, a woman may have pain in her knees when she squats, stands and stretches. This is due to the following reasons:
- intense muscle work during childbirth;
- sudden involuntary movement during the birth of a baby can cause dislocation;
- if a woman had various disorders of the musculoskeletal system before childbirth;
- when breastfeeding a baby, fluid accumulates in the female body, which adversely affects the joints, which is why pain is felt when standing up and extending the knees.
In addition to the pronounced signs - pain of varying intensity and crunching when squatting, this manifestation has additional symptoms characteristic of the disease, which caused pain in the knee when walking or other leg movements:
- sleep disorders;
- increase in body temperature;
- decrease or complete lack of appetite;
- stiffness of movements;
- increased pain when walking. There is a marked improvement in the sitting or lying position;
- noticeable swelling of the injured knee - can be observed from the inside;
- inability to shift weight to a sore limb;
- deformation of the patella;
- change in skin color on the knee;
- fever.
When the first signs are expressed, you should immediately contact a medical institution for diagnostics and the appointment of effective treatment.
Since many ailments provoke the fact that the knee hurts when walking, after running, when squatting and standing, the diagnosis should consist of:

- a detailed investigation of the patient for the appearance of the first symptoms, the intensity of the pain, the place of its appearance (from the outside or from the inside), possible causes (for example, when walking, after running or giving birth) , which causes pain;
- palpation of the knee by the attending physician to find out a more complete picture of the localization of pain, as well as to identify swelling;
- blood test of the patient for general and biochemical research;
- radiography - in which any pathologies of the knee structure will be clearly visible;
- puncture fluid sampling - carried out if the attending physician suspects bone tuberculosis;
- puncture of fluid from the knee joint;
- arthroscopy - performed in the case of a meniscus tear that causes knee pain from the inside. This method is carried out not only for diagnosis, but also during treatment;
- measurement of bone density;
- Knee ultrasound;
- examinations of the patient using magnetic resonance and CT.
There is no one way to cure all diseases and ailments. The method of treatment for each patient is prescribed individually and depends on the cause of the appearance and severity of the spasms, whether the knee hurts when walking, after running, while squatting or standing. Treatment methods prescribed to all patients without exception, including women after childbirth:
- reduce the load on the lower limbs, so that the slightest symptoms do not arise;
- the imposition of a fixing bandage on the injured knee;
- warm the knee with warming ointments or compresses. As prescribed by the doctor, cold compresses are used, but not more than fifteen minutes a day;
- anti-inflammatory medicines.
If necessary, treatment is carried out with surgery.
In addition, there are alternative therapies that can reduce the onset of symptoms, but they can only be used after consulting a doctor. Such pain treatments include:
- iodine network;
- a compress from your own urine;
- a mixture of raw potatoes with kerosene;
- lotions of apple cider vinegar mixed with egg yolk;
- chopped potato ointment with horseradish;
- an onion compress, for this you need to cut it in half and apply it in half on the outer and inner sides of the knee;
- cologne and dandelion solution;
- tinctures from elecampane root and alcohol;
- a pack of black elderberry, chamomile and pine nut cake;
- calendula lotion;
- a mixture of mustard and honey.
Folk remedies are not recommended for women during pregnancy and after childbirth, when the baby is breastfeeding.
To avoid knee pain when walking, after running or squatting, you need to:
- adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
- always check your posture;
- maintain your normal body weight;
- warm up the muscles before training, so that knee spasms do not occur after running and exercising;
- wear only comfortable shoes;
- promptly treat all diseases that can lead to this ailment;
- undergo a routine examination at the clinic several times a year;
- performing gymnastics if a person's lifestyle or working conditions are in a standing or sitting position;
- avoid hypothermia;
- at the first symptoms, especially after childbirth or running, consult a doctor.